Dahlia Mahmood of Dahlia Design Talks Successful Projects and Mistakes to Avoid

What is the key to a successful interior design project?

The key to a successful design project is chemistry between the people working together. Because interior design tends to become very personal, it’s important to be able to comfortably communicate your ideas or concerns with one another. As with any relationship, however, the most vital characteristic is trust. A successful project is a product of good collaboration between client and designer.

What is one important mistake many interior designers make? How have you overcome/avoided it?

All interior designers are familiar with the occasional favors dropped on our shoulders by friends and relatives for casual consultation and gratuitous interior design services. Although it is great to help out others to a certain extent, it’s also important to priorities and avoid taking away time and energy from career building projects. No matter how you express your over flowing schedule, no one but a fellow interior designer will understand the amount of work that actually goes into the business of design. The most difficult discipline is teaching yourself that your time is valuable and sometimes it is okay to say no.

Interior designing for others has shaped your career. How does your design aesthetic appear in your own home? Are you as passionate in designing your own personal spaces?

When designing my own home, I become my own worst client. Working with the newest trends and styles every day, I cannot help but to incorporate my favorite finds into my personal interiors. Because I’m constantly changing my own space, I’ve designed my home using a light and neutral color palette to serve as an elegant backdrop for new pieces of art, furniture, and accessories introduced to my home.

A constant accessory in my house, however, is a bouquet of fresh flowers. No matter how busy I get, I will always make time to pick up bundles of white lilies to arrange throughout my home at the beginning of every week. Fresh cut flowers are delicate expressions of life and bring in a sense of renewed creative motivation.

Learn more about Dahlia Design at their Haute Residence profile and website.

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